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18TH December 2023, Live at Zoom Conference Platform

Setting up the team for success: How to build trust and create psychological safety in teams

Please join us for our live conversation between coach Peter and Jue. They will explore from the following aspects:

  • How to set up the team for sustainable success?
  • What creates trust and what does trust create?
  • What is psychological safety?
  • How to foster psychological safety within the team?
Peter Hard
Peter Hard is certified in a range of individual and team development assessments as well as leadership development programs. Working as a Senior faculty with Team Coaching International, he leads Master classes of the TCI Certification Program and executes team performance programs. Over the last 16 years, Peter has coached more than 300 individual clients and over 140 executive teams across 40 countries. Clients benefit from Peter's results-focused coaching and often refer to his curiosity and challenging, yet supportive, coaching style. His humor, patience, endurance and seniority are highly appreciated. Peter's key objectives are to co-create high performing, sustainable leadership teams and relationships, as well as developing leadership savvy in others and himself.
Jue Engels
Jue EngelsACC, CPCC, MCom
Jue Engels, a global citizen with over 2 decades of extensive professional experiences in business consulting, executive coaching, leadership training and organisational development, has lived and worked in 4 continents and 5 countries. With a compassionate and holistic approach, she is committed to support executives and organisations to develop global and growth mindsets, unlock their potentials and navigate through the transformative process with integration and resilience.
100% Online in ZOOM and free admission.
Please register with us.
