System Awareness, Team Empowerment

Leading Teams

The team is a system, and it is often more challenging to promote and manage the system than to lead an individual. How to recognize and tackle these challenges efficiently and effectively to support team's sustainable growth and results delivery?

Organization Effectiveness & Development

4 courses: Build High Performing Teams, Effective Delegation & Management, Conflicts Management, Embrace & Manage Change

Build High Performing Teams

Course Description


The course includes:

– Unlock key elements of high-performance teams

– System awareness & skill practice

– Establish a team win-win goal and in-depth consensus

– Unlock team mode to master the key elements of team momentum and effectiveness

– Effective Team Conflict Management & Skills Practice

– Change Management & Common Challenges



– Understand the role of leadership in a team setting
– Learn new tools for creating an environment that breathes life into teams

– Tap the motivation that is already IN the team

– Get a new perspective on what it means to be a team

– Shift team members to be “what can we do together?” from “Who is doing what to whom on the team”

– Learn the skills on how to focus on the possibilities and maximize positive team impact


“Through this workshop I have seen what shines in our managers and what needs to be improved. Learned some effective ways to look at the team.”
"When leading a team, it is not only need to think from the position as leader, but also need to think from the perspective of each team member. It’s important to understand your team what inspires them and how to motivate their self-drive."
“It helps me realize that the importance of team dynamic and alignment of team common goal. The team positivity and productivity are both crucial to a teams’ sustainable growth and development. ”

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Other Leadership Courses

Best For

High Potentials / Frontline Leaders


In Person



Class Size

10 -24


Silo or Co-Lead

Effective Delegation & Management


– Understand what delegation is, what good and bad delegation cases are, and why.

– Learn how to delegate effectively. 

– Analyze the nature of delegation (transactional or relational) .

– Five steps of effective delegation Establish delegation strategy. 

– Analyse what are the possible obstacles to delegation, and explore for further thinking and perspectives.

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Best For

Middle and senior management, team leaders, project managers


In Person


1-2 day

Class Size

10 -24


Silo or Co-Lead

Conflicts Management

Course Description

Conflicts can hardly be avoided in the daily working environment. Some people try to avoid conflicts because they are afraid of them. Yet, some conflicts can easily escalate into “wars” when: Team members have disparate backgrounds, unable to collaborate and support each other; Team members have significant conflict among each other; Become emotionally intense when dealing with complaints from customer, unable to handle a situation independently; Fake harmony cannot prevent conflicts for lack of team trust.

This course combines with the coaching method, focusing on the usual management challenges of the enterprises, discovering opportunities from conflicts, and improving the team for cohesion, trust, and good working relationship continuously.


Course Focus:
Understanding the System Dynamics of the team
Three levels of reality
Master the skills to shape good relationships in aspects of relation, language and different expressions.

Understanding and Embracing Conflict

– Understand the nature of conflicts

– Prompt awareness of status and location

– Analyse inner thoughts and outer behaviours

– Good timing of conversations

Third Party Coaching – Teams and Organizations

– “Our Country” – Clash between Two Teams

– Conflicts among Multiple Teams


"It's my first time to understand conflicts in such a comprehensive way. I used to look at them behind a veil. Constructive interaction in a team is to face up to the conflicts directly, let conflicts be expressed in an appropriate way, not only to experience conflicts, but also to figure out methods.”
"As a team leader, I had been unconsciously pursuing the seemingly team harmony. But the result is, my good intentions have blocked the voices and the potential of the team. We're not just to learn the meaning of conflict, but rather to manage conflicts within a certain structure, and let conflicts promote the development of the team."

To Register or Enquiry

Best For

Middle and senior management, team leaders, project managers


In Person


2 day

Class Size

10 -24


Silo or Co-Lead

Embrace & Manage Change

Course Description

The course includes:

 – Change Management & Common Challenges


– Understand the change and transition curve. 
– Understand the role of a leader in change management. 

– Learn how to move people through the change curve. 


"My takeaway is the Change Curve which is also the most memorable thing for me in the past two days. I am quite experienced in work, in life, and in changes. But never have I had such a concrete visualization of a transition process. For me in the future, I may be more proactive in understanding what stage I am in, and then take some measures to help me get through the Change more quickly.”
“I like Change Curve very much. I Would like to share it with my boss. If a Change occurs, we must learn to tolerate everyone's "low" state instead of always expecting to reach a certain high stage together. This is my takeaway.”
“Change usually comes unexpectedly, we cannot plan it or avoid it when it comes. But the transition goes through a relatively long process. Through this two-day study plus the communications with everyone, I feel that I am not alone on an isolated island. Transition is like being on Noah's Ark together, and head for a safe place, a destination together.” In fact, starting from scratch is a relatively difficult process. My experience may not be suitable for our team and organization anymore, it may even get in the way of implementing what I have learnt recently. So, I will think about the way of communicating with others in the future. I will learn to listen to others’ needs more and communicate with others more. Rain or shine, bundle together with my team and get things done together. "

To Register or Enquiry

Best For

Middle-level Leaders and Above


In Person



Class Size

10 -24


Silo or Co-Lead