Leading Others

New Manager

Becoming a Leader & Coaching Style Leadership Fundamental

Become A Leader

Course Description

Improve performance and Empower Others This series of courses are to support new managers and leaders to improve their influences and leadership skills; to become a qualified people leaders by acquiring the understanding of roles, self and others. This series is designed with holistic management process, to handle common challenges. It is delivered in the way of combining coaching, training and practicing, which starts from breaking down limitations inside, then with additional techniques and capabilities. The practices and implements will take the advantage of actual cases to bring the new managers a rapid role change.


– Help new leaders clearly know what their roles exactly are and what they should do in daily work.

– Help new leaders grasp a way to build trust and reputation in the team.

– Help new leaders know what a delegation is and how to delegate subordinates.

– Grasp a fast learning way to adapt a new role.

To Register or Enquiry

Other Leadership Courses

Best For

High Potentials / Frontline Leaders


In Person



Class Size

10 -24


Silo or Co-Lead

Coaching Style Leadership Fundamental

Course Description

Improve performance and Empower Others This series of courses are to support new managers and leaders to improve their influences and leadership skills; to become a qualified people leaders by acquiring the understanding of roles, self and others. This series is designed with holistic management process, to handle common challenges. It is delivered in the way of combining coaching, training and practicing, which starts from breaking down limitations inside, then with additional techniques and capabilities. The practices and implements will take the advantage of actual cases to bring the new managers a rapid role change.


– Help the participants grasp coaching way to inspire and develop people

– Introduce and practice coaching 5 steps to have a whole coaching dialog

– Learn the key coaching skills and know the coaching history

To Register or Enquiry

Best For

High Potentials / Frontline Leaders


In Person



Class Size

10 -24


Silo or Co-Lead