12th October to 5th December 2023, every Thursdays (14:00-15:30CET), except Oct. 26th. ( 8 sessions)
Reading together to deepen and multiply the depth of learning and application!
Understanding how to utilize the world-renowned TCI team coaching approach and competences to build up sustainable high-performing teams.
● To build up a TI community and advocate the team coaching approach and methodology
● To support the participants for their sustainable learning and growth
● To cultivate the team coaching culture
● To promote cultural integration
● To support the development and well-being of global organisations
● To improve the overall qualities of our professional lives.
● Coaches, leaders, consultants who are interested in team coaching, and want to get familiar with the team coaching methodologies from Team Coaching International
● Those who have challenges and difficulties in managing teams and want to learn effective skills/tools to enhance team performance
● No geographical restriction
Your investment: 138€
(Registration deadline: Oct. 10, 2023)
(Registration before Sep. 30th, 2023)
Please prepare the book by yourself.
Thank you and see you soon!
The Schedule of the weekly sessions:
Week 1.
I. Opening, Introduction & design alliance
II. Chapter 1 (Model for Great Teams)
Week 2.
Chapter 2 & 3 (Productivity & Positivity KPIs)
Week 3.
Chapter 4 & 5 (Foundations for TC & TC in Action)
Week 4.
Chapter 6 & 7 (Competence 1 & 2)
Week 5.
Chapter 8 & 9 (Competence 3 & 4)
Week 6.
Chapter 10 (Competence 5 & review)
Week 7.
Chapter 11 & 12 (Part 3)
Week 8.
I. Q&A with a TCI Master Coach & ACTC
II. Celebration of the learning process
III. Closing
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