Book Club 2023


12th October to 5th December 2023, every Thursdays (14:00-15:30CET), except Oct. 26th. ( 8 sessions)


It’s more than just a Book Club!”

Reading together to deepen and multiply the depth of learning and application!

More information

Understanding how to utilize the world-renowned TCI team coaching approach and competences to build up sustainable high-performing teams.

What is the Purpose of the book club?

● To build up a TI community and advocate the team coaching approach and methodology

● To support the participants for their sustainable learning and growth

● To cultivate the team coaching culture

● To promote cultural integration

● To support the development and well-being of global organisations

● To improve the overall qualities of our professional lives.

Who is this book club designed for?

Coaches, leaders, consultants who are interested in team coaching, and want to get familiar with the team coaching methodologies from Team Coaching International

Those who have challenges and difficulties in managing teams and want to learn effective skills/tools to enhance team performance

No geographical restriction

Jue Engels
Jue EngelsACC, CPCC, MCom
Jue Engels, a global citizen with over 2 decades of extensive professional experiences in business consulting, executive coaching, leadership training and organisational development, has lived and worked in 4 continents and 5 countries. With a compassionate and holistic approach, she is committed to support executives and organisations to develop global and growth mindsets, unlock their potentials and navigate through the transformative process with integration and resilience.
Irene Wang
Irene WangCPCC, ACC
Irene Wang, with a wealth of international experience in HR Executive and GM roles, is now dedicated to the transformative work of organizational and individual evolution through the facets of OD Consulting, executive search, executive coaching, and team coaching. Irene is currently based in Germany collaborating globally.

A Book Reading Event for Building Sustainable High-Performing Teams

For new users, you will be asked to create a new account. After that, you will received an email confirmation and a link. With that link you will be guided to complete the payment. For any further help, please send us an email to:

Your investment: 138€

(Registration deadline: Oct. 10, 2023)

Early bird discount: 108€

(Registration before Sep. 30th, 2023)

Please prepare the book by yourself.

Thank you and see you soon!

The Schedule of the weekly sessions:

Week 1.

I. Opening, Introduction & design alliance

II. Chapter 1 (Model for Great Teams)

Week 2.

Chapter 2 & 3  (Productivity & Positivity KPIs)

Week 3.

Chapter 4 & 5  (Foundations for TC & TC in Action)

Week 4.

Chapter 6 & 7 (Competence 1 & 2)

Week 5.

Chapter 8 & 9  (Competence 3 & 4)

Week 6.

Chapter 10 (Competence 5 & review)

Week 7.

Chapter 11 & 12  (Part 3)

Week 8.

I. Q&A with a TCI Master Coach & ACTC

II. Celebration of the learning process

III. Closing